From the Inside Out
“Successful indeed is the one who purifies their soul, and doomed is the one who corrupts it!”Qur’an 91:9-10 You have the potential to become a reflection of the Prophet’s ﷺ character. To go about your day aware that God sees everything that you do. But to get there requires work. It requires changing who you are inside to the point that it becomes visible on the outside. In this weekly podcast, Ustadh Tabari of the Tayba Foundation will show you how the Qur’an, the Prophet ﷺ, and the early Muslims teach us to go about this transformation. This series is being recorded live at a SoCal masjid being delivered to an audience of previously incarcerated Muslims returning to free society to start a new life. It’s a practical and inspiring class that any Muslim would find transformational.Ustadh Tabari is Tayba Foundation’s former incarcerated student and currently Reentry Manager at the San Bernardino office. He has studied the Islamic sciences with scholars in the US and abroad and holds an MA in Social Work.The course is based on Imam Maulud’s “Purification of the Heart” and its commentary by Muhammad Ibn Ahmad Al Khadim. Tayba Foundation is a US non-profit dedicated to providing incarcerated Muslims an Islamic education behind bars, critical life skills training, and reentry assistance after release. Our work in over 500 prisons in 47 states is only possible thanks to your sadaqa and zakat.Please support your incarcerated brothers and sisters at tay.ba/give
17 episodes
17- A Proof of Concept: the Life of Ibn Ajeeba Part 2
What does it look like when a person successfully purifies his or her heart? The famous Moroccan scholar Ibn Ajeeba is one such “proof of concept.”In this episode, Ustadh Tabari continues his biography, from Ibn Ajeeba’s marriag...
Season 1
Episode 17

16- A Proof of Concept: The Life of Ibn Ajeeba (Part 1)
We’ve been discussing a lot of theory on this podcast: the importance of purifying the heart and the various diseases that it could have.But is it even possible to do that? What does it look like when a person successfully purifies his ...
Season 1
Episode 16

15- Who are the awliya?
“I am his hearing with which he hears, his seeing with which he sees, his hand with which he strikes and his foot with which he walks. Were he to ask [something] of Me, I would surely give it to him…”Hadith Qudsi related by Bukhari<...
Season 1
Episode 15

14- The foundation of spiritual development
The Prophet ﷺ said, “Say ‘I believe in Allah’ — and then be steadfast.’”If the past episodes have inspired you to start working on yourself, you might be asking, “There’s so much to do, so where do I start?”In this episode, Usta...
Season 1
Episode 14

13- A prophetic prayer for overcoming the self
Even Abu Bakr (may God be pleased with him) - the man whose strong faith was confirmed by the Prophet ﷺ - was told to pray overcome his self. So how about ourselves?In today’s episode, Ustadh Tabari covers an amazing prophetic du’a from...
Season 1
Episode 13

12- The prophetic understanding of truthfulness
Last week’s episode focused on Qur’anic ayat related to the Islamic concept of “intellect.” This week, it is time for hadith. Who did the Prophet ﷺ say are the lowest of the low on the Day of Judgement? And who did he ﷺ say is safe from...
Season 1
Episode 12

11- When the intellect goes wrong
In English, when we say “intellect,” it’s all about the brain. But the Islamic concept is much deeper than that.And in the Islamic concept of the intellect, it can be a cause of many of the worst sins a human being can commit.So w...
Season 1
Episode 11

10- One of the greatest spiritual dangers
There’s a great danger that our intellect can make us fall into. One of the worst sins we could commit.That sin is hypocrisy.In today’s lesson, Ustadh Tabari discusses this disease of the heart and what it entails.For more episodes like...
Season 1
Episode 10

9- Prophetic wisdom on desire
Last week, Ustadh Tabari discussed desire and some of the diseases of the heart that result from it.In this week’s lesson, he brings us hadith from the Prophet ﷺ on the importance of controlling our desires and the insights we can gain ...
Season 1
Episode 9

8- Desire: the good and the bad of it
Without desire, we wouldn’t eat or drink. We need desires to live. But what happens when desires get out of control? And what does a person fully in control of their desires looks like? In this episode, Ustadh Tabari brings us e...
Season 1
Episode 8

7- Prophetic cures for anger
“Don’t get angry” was the advice the Prophet gave to a companion. ﷺBut for those of us struggling with anger - or with some of its related diseases - how do we do that?In this episode, Ustadh Tabari brings us advice from the Qur’an, the Prophet...
Season 1
Episode 7

6- Balancing out our anger
We all have the faculty of anger, and that faculty can get out of whack. What happens when you don’t have enough? And what happens when you have too much? In this episode, Ustadh Tabari begins the discussion on anger, when it’s needed and when ...
Season 1
Episode 6

5- Where do diseases of the heart come from?
Allah Most High warns us in the Qur’an that only those will be saved who come to Him with a sound heart (26:88-89). To have a sound heart, we must cleanse it. But if that’s the case, where does the dirt come from? In this episode, Ustadh Tabari...
Season 1
Episode 5

4- The people whose prayers are answered
In an authentic hadith, the Prophet ﷺ tells us of Allah’s promise to a certain type of people that He will answer their prayers.Who are these people? How can we become them? And what examples of them can we find in our deen’s ...
Season 1
Episode 4

3- What is the heart?
When we’re talking about “purifying the heart,” do we mean the physical organ beating inside our chest? And if not, then what is it? What happens when the heart is purified - or left to be polluted?For more episodes like this, visit
Season 1
Episode 3